IA 46511: OCA
Household: Boeckman (20238)
Cannot view movie in teachlet



In Chapter 3: Creating a Nation:  Unit 3: Call to Arms, 3rd page, Click the Distinguishing Fact from Opinion Teachlet. A flash file presents itself, on the 5th page there is a movie link. The link  calls for this javascript to called  :
        space between w= & void


        the space between var &  ____
        not open/closed properly on the page

"<HTML><SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>var __w=

void(window.open("http://schools.connectionsacademy.com/content/play.aspx?idMedia=14489", "LaunchVideo","toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=yes, width=420, height=420"));;if(__w!=null)document.write(__w);</SCRIPT></HTML> "


In Chapter 4: The New Republic : Unit 3: The First Political Parties, 3rd page, Click the Understanding Flowcharts: How a Bill Becomes a Law Teachlet. A flash file presents itself on the 11th page there is a movie link. The link calls for :



"<HTML><SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>var__w=void(window.open("http://schools.connectionsacademy.com/content/play.aspx ?idMedia=14475", "LaunchVideo","toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=yes, width=420, height=420"));;if(__w!=null)document.write(__w);</SCRIPT></HTML> "


The above CALL looks correct there is no spaces, where as in the first call in “Call to Arms” there is spacing in the highlighted areas.


  • TAGS look correct to me,
  • Tried to debug but did not have IE7 and cant get SP2 without re-imaging.
  • Definitely isolated to the link in the Flash file.
  • I have no access to the direct source code, there could be more code than this, as far as syntax errors the spaces I mentioned do not look right.
  • The problem exist with this section of code : ( "<HTML><SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>var __w= void(window.open(" )
    • Additionally if you look at the remaining variables in the entire string

none of them have a space between the = and the value associated with the variable. i.e. " "toolbar=no, location=no,